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Posts Tagged “v4v”

Autumn Rust Boost Recap Feed is Live

Published on November 5, 2024 at 4:25pm by Matt the Tall

After the Satellite Skirmish: Autumn Rust concluded, boo-bury organized a session to record a reading of all the boosts that came in during the show and up to the recap. If you didn't catch the Skirmish, you can watch the recording here or find it in a new podcast app.

Autumn Rust Poster

Thanks to the RSS feed for the show, people can send value even after the festivities are over, so there were some reads of boosts that came in between Autumn Rust and the recap. It was fun hanging out with boo-bury, Frankiepaint, SirSpencer, and Em of Survival Guide reading through the boosts to credit and thank everyone who sent them. Much like the Skirmish, you can listen to the recap in your choice of new podcast app or follow this link.

Categorized under: Music, Decentralized Music, Ocarina, Technology, Podcasting 2.0, Value 4 Value
Tagged: decentralized music, demu, music, podcasting 2.0, v4v, value 4 value

Hello World!

Published on June 4, 2024 at 10:06pm by Matt the Tall

For anyone who works remotely close to software, the title choice for this post probably comes as zero surprise. I'm a software engineer by trade who dabbles in a host of unrelated subjects. For a long time I've played with the idea of setting up a blog, and getting the domain name on the cheap for the first year helped me decide to actually pull the trigger on the domain.

This blog was set up using MyWebLog made by Daniel J. Summers. When I asked about recommendations for blogging systems, I went with his system both due to our common enjoyment of No Agenda, a comedic show full of news deconstruction and analysis, and it's always nice to be able to directly ask questions to the person who wrote software you're using.

An added reason for the choice is there's support for Podcasting 2.0 features. If that's a new term for you, you can read more about it at the Podcast Index. I don't know whether I'll go about starting my own podcast, but I do want to take advantage of those features for my music.

Yes, music. One of the cool things that's spun out of Podcasting 2.0 and its enabling of V4V (Value 4 Value) podcasts, and that tech is also being used for music in the same vein. Eventually I want to host my V4V music, though I haven't gotten to that yet. I play a somewhat esoteric instrument that most people either haven't heard of or think only exists in the Legend of Zelda games: the ocarina.

ocarina collection

Categorized under: Music, Ocarina, Software
Tagged: blogging, miscellaneous, ocarina, podcasting, tech, v4v